Justice for Sandra Birchmore

We aim to share Sandra's story, raise public awareness and pressure the authorities to give her and her unborn child the justice they deserve.

Justice is Coming

On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, federal authorities indicted former Stoughton police detective Matthew Farwell on charges that he murdered Sandra Birchmore when she was just 23 in her Canton, Massachusetts apartment in February 2021. Sandra claimed that Matthew was the father of her unborn baby up to her death. Later, her phone texts proved Matthew initiated sexual relations with her when she was a member of the Stoughton police explorers program.

The indictment was a big step in obtaining justice for Sandra. It charged Matthew Farwell with killing a witness or a victim. It alleges that Matthew killed Sandra on or near February 1, 2021 by strangulation, and then he staged her apartment to make it look like she took her own life.

According to prosecutors, Farwell is accused of killing Sandra Birchmore "with malice, aforethought, willfully, deliberately, maliciously, and with premeditation" to prevent any communication to law enforcement of information relating to potential federal crimes. According to the indictment, Farwell could face charges including deprivation of Birchmore's rights, coercion, and enticement, as well as wire fraud. The charges carry the possibility of the death penalty.

In court, prosecutors said they wanted to have Farwell detained pending the trial. They added, "He did so while he was serving as a police officer, and after using that position of trust and authority to groom and sexually exploit her for years, beginning when she was just 15 years old. There are no conditions of release that will protect the community from a defendant whose conduct reveals such an indifference to human life."

This is not the end. It is just the beginning to getting Sandra and her unborn child the justice they deserve. It is also important to note that this indictment could save countless other women from the evil of Matthew Farwell. And what about the others? Only time will tell if William Farwell and Robert Devine will be charged, as well.

Our Mission

Our mission is to raise public awareness surrounding Sandra's tragic story in order to prevent this horrific situation from happening to another young person. Sandra was not alone. Her shocking case is just the tip of the iceberg. Sandra's life, and the life of her unborn child, were ended way too soon. Through our efforts, we hope to do the following:

Give Sandra a Voice

Sandra Birchmore's voice has been silenced, but not the voices of her countless friends, family, and supporters. We will be her voice and speak out against the abuse of minors. Her future was snatched away from her, and to prevent the same from happening to others, we must hold those responsible and bring them to justice for Sandra and her baby.

Talk About Sandra's Life

Sandra was an energetic, caring, and kind human being with a promising future. She looked up to public protectors, including police and military personnel. Those in places of power exploited her faith in them. Her story must be told so others can protect themselves and their loved ones from exploitation, abuse, and violence - even at the hands of those we should be able to trust and rely upon.

Raise Public Awareness

Sandra Birchmore met her abusers in the BSA Police Explorers Program. People need to know that nationally, this program has been problematic from the start. The Stoughton Explorers Program was never re-certified after the initial certification at its launching.

Design courtesy of Robin Wilson
Design courtesy of Robin Wilson